Bristol Ride

25.09.22 - 2:00PM

Bristol Hospital Staff cycle to take action on air pollution and the climate crisis. Local healthcare staff and their families are cycled from Bristol Children's Hospital to Warmley to inspire action on air pollution and the climate crisis. At Warmley Waiting Room cafe the riders ended the ride and talked about climate issues and child health.

On Sunday 25th September, Children’s Hospital Staff cycled from Bristol Children’s Hospital to Warmley to inspire action on air pollution and the climate crisis. Twenty people enjoyed the afternoon cycle, including paediatricians, a sustainability officer and their families, and they gathered afterwards to talk about climate change and child health.

Dr Stefania Vegnano, consultant paediatrician, took part in the RFTL cycle from London to Glasgow last year and since then has become much more of an advocate for climate change, by speaking to colleagues about the issues and organising this ride. She is now helping to organise an event in November where Eugene Yafele, Chief Executive for University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) will sign the Healthy Climate Prescription letter, and hopes this will allow further opportunities to talk about climate change.

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